22 Catholic Organizations Call for a Justice-seeking Pope
On Monday, February 11th, Pope Benedict XVI surprised Catholics worldwide
by announcing his resignation. Member organizations of Catholic
Organizations for Renewal and Women-Church Convergence made the following
We join Catholics worldwide in praying for the health of Pope Benedict XVI
and value his courageous decision to step down from the papacy for the
betterment of the church. At this critical time of transition in church
history, we claim our responsibility as committed laity, religious, and
clergy in advocating for the selection of a justice-seeking pope, one with
a pastoral vision to heal, reform, and renew the Roman Catholic Church.
Throughout the coming weeks, we will encourage our supporters to contact
the eleven U.S. cardinals who will represent the United States during the
conclave to share our hopes for renewed leadership.
Our prayer is that the newly elected pope will:
. ensure accountability and transparency in the handling of sexual
abuse cases,
. value open dialogue, academic freedom, and due process,
. model financial transparency and accountability,
. work toward the Vatican II call to collegial leadership at every
. consult the laity in the decisions that directly affect them,
including selection of their own bishops and the closing of their parishes
and schools,
. consider optional priestly celibacy and reopen the priesthood to
married men and resigned priests,
. incorporate women at all levels of ministry and decision making,
including ordination,
. consult with the Catholic people in developing a sensible church
teaching on human sexuality,
. respect the conscience of every person in regard to matters of
their sexuality and reproduction,
. and challenge environmental degradation, corporate greed, wars
and violent responses to societal problems, and denial of basic human
Signed by the following organizations:
A Critical Mass: Women Celebrating Eucharist
Carolyn Kellogg, ckellogg2000@yahoo.com> ckellogg2000@yahoo.com
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP
(703) 505-0004, ( 941) 955-2313,
sofiabmm@aol.com> sofiabmm@aol.com
Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church
Patrick B. Edgar, President
(870)235-5209, President@arcc-catholic-rights.net>
Call To Action
Jim FitzGerald, Executive Director
(773) 404-0004, jim@cta-usa.org> jim@cta-usa.org
Catholics for Choice
Jon O’Brien, President
Chicago Women-Church
Darlene Noesen, chgowmnchu@sbcglobal.net> chgowmnchu@sbcglobal.net
Anthony Padovano
(973) 539-8732, tpadovan@optoline.net> tpadovan@optoline.net
Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director
%20execdir@dignityusa.org> 617-669-7810,
Faithful of Southern Illinois (FOSIL)
Anne Harter, anneharter23@yahoo.com> anneharter23@yahoo.com
Federation of Christian Ministries’ Roman Catholic Faith Community Council
Thomas Cusack and Thomas Quinn
treasurer@fcmmail.org> treasurer@fcmmail.org,
president@fcmmail.org> president@fcmmail.org
National Coalition of American Nuns
Jeannine Gramick, SL
301-864-3604, gramick@juno.com> gramick@juno.com
New Ways Ministry
Francis DeBernardo, Executive Director
(240) 432-2489, director@NewWaysMinistry.org>
PAX Christi – Maine
Bill Slavick, billslavick@myfairpoint.net>
Quixote Center / Catholics Speak Out
Dolly Pomerleau, dollywood20722@hotmail.com>
San Francisco Bay Area Women-Church
Karen Schwarz, k.schwarz@comcast.net> k.schwarz@comcast.net
Southeastern Pennsylvania Women’s Ordination Conference
Regina Bannan
(215) 350-9877, reginab317@gmail.com> reginab317@gmail.com
Renewed and Priestly People – Ordination Reconsidered Today (RAPPORT)
Gloria Ulterino, Glorialbf@aol.com> Glorialbf@aol.com
Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc.
Suzanne Thiel, RCWP
( 503) 784-3330, suzthiel@yahoo.com>
Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER)
Mary E. Hunt and Diann Neu
(301) 589-2509, mhunt@hers.com> mhunt@hers.com,
dneu@hers.com> dneu@hers.com
Women-Church Baltimore
Erma Durkin, ermduu@gmail.com> ermduu@gmail.com.
WomenEucharist Boulder
Sheila Dierks
(303) 449-4302, books@wovenword.com> books@wovenword.com
Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC)
Erin Saiz Hanna, Executive Director
(202) 675-1006, ehanna@womensordination.org>
1 March 2013
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